R.I.P. Canon Rebel Xt
Friday, October 8, 2010

Dear Canon Rebel Xt,
You have been put to good use for many years my friend. You have viewed many scenes through the good, bad, sad, happy, boring, interesting, and inspiring. You have put me in situations I've never thought I'd encounter. The way your shutter clicks, the way you operate the flash, and the slowness of your focusing motor made me the photographer I am today. With the training I've received (and continue to receive) I now see the world in different colors, angles, and light. Now that I have moved on you hide in my closet, asleep. You may never awake again, but I know that one day you will be needed for times of desperation. For now, just rest and remember the times we had together.
The Canon 60D says hello.
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