Finally! An Update!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011



SF Street Model

SF street model

It's been a while since I updated my blog. Being busy with school, internship, and paid gigs takes a lot out of you. Though, being absent at the moment I realize that I haven't been very selective on my work. It's because of school that I'm starting to see the value of my photography.

Currently, I am attending a Photoshop class that deals a lot with tone and color corrections and making fine edge selections. I don't do much touch up on my photos, but I have learned to be better at fine tuning it for print and web. I'm also attending a class that teaches lighting control. It's helping me slow down and observe the different aspects of light rather than photographing what's available. I'm not much of a studio photographer, but I am for sure gaining an interest of it.

Above are the images that showcase just that. Hopefully, this trend of mine continues and will help me become more critical of my work.



Trendy Streets San Francisco

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SF Fashion
SF Fashion
SF Fashion
SF Fashion
SF Fashion
SF Fashion

The other day my brother's girlfriend showed me an SF Weekly paper that has a section for SF fashion. Immediately I started to get depressed (hheheheh), but I figured that I'm doing this for the sake of taking photos. In their paper the images include information about the clothing line. The only thing I can tell you is these individuals are wearing some pretty cool stuff. This is a long term project that I want to do for myself and provide you all a look in the fashion city. Give me your thoughts. What do you all want to see?
