Street Modeling
Saturday, March 19, 2011

My girlfriend has a good eye for fashion and had inspired me to do more fashion photography. Every time she visits me in the Bay we would go out to Union Square and shop around. If she saw something she liked she would buy it. Her closet is full of these couture designs and I'm pretty jealous of that. I want to have a collection of clothes, too! Her perspective in fashion along with The Sartorialist, have helped me develop a great interest in fashion. I now am looking for these individuals in the cities or towns. Believe it or not this picture inspired the whole blog to change. I thank my girlfriend for that.

While walking around the city, I noticed this guy walking towards my direction and couldn't believe what he was sporting. It reminds me of the old days when I used to see some of my brother's friends breakdancing in the backyard. Thanks for supporting the 80's buddy. Keep rockin' it!
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