Donna Collections and Street Modelin'
Friday, July 15, 2011

It's been awhile since I've done any updates. The last few weeks have been crazy with school and street shoots. I've done nothing, but shoot and study. Tonight was the first time I reviewed some images that had the potential to be blogged. The image above is Donna showcasing an outfit she had purchased just recently. To me it reminds me that we are now in summer.

These images were taken a few weeks ago so at this time the sun was shining pretty bright. Lately, the clouds have been hovering over the city and shoots have been a bit weird. More on that later.

Before I go I wanted to mention my newest purchase from a couple of days ago. This is the Canonet QL17 GIII. His name is Mikey Kayline. He is known to be the "poor mans Leica." It's definitely different from my DSLR since 1. it's a manual focus camera and 2. the battery is dead so the meter is not working. The whole time I'm calculating exposures based on what I've metered during the first day I got it.. and it was an overcast day. F/5.6 @ 1/125 was what the sales clerk told me was the sweet spot was. I did a test roll and man it looked pretty cool. Still need to work on the focusing, but overall a great experience so far... test shot update very soon. Stay tuned.
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