Day 31 of 365: School is Now in Session
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

School has just now started for me. The first class was at 7:00 to 10 at night. Let me tell you that I'm not a big fan of night classes. I prefer taking classes in the morning and then going about my day from then on. I'm not one to feel comfortable coming out of class when it's already night time. But whatever. I have to do what I have to do.
During the day I decided to hit up the city and take pictures like I usually would before class. It's just how I roll. I was able to stumble upon Rolo Tanedo and we were able to talk about each others blogs and 365/366 progress. I think this "photographing everyday" thing sort of helps me conceptualize things and he fully agrees. It allows us to show that we can get the job done and we are motivated more than anyone out there. This is the year. This our time. We can definitely make it happen!

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