Day 6 of 365: I Ride My Bike I Drive to the Mall
Friday, January 6, 2012

I decided to ride my bike this morning since most days I'm in my room drinking tea, looking through facebook/tumblr, and working on photos. It was a nice change to just get out and do something. I've been stuck in the apartment for too long and it was time to just get some fresh air. I didn't go anywhere far though. I only wanted to ride to places I was somewhat familiar with.
Afterwards I installed a printer that forgot I had. It was included when I bought my desktop last year. From there I printed out some photos of my portfolio volume 1. This will help me organize my photos before I make a book out of it.
Last thing I did was go to Stonestown Mall where my friend Rolo Tanedo was at. He just recently got hired at Fully Laced and decided I wanted to stop by and see him. I brought my brother and his girlfriend with me to just hang and check it out. Fun and chill times.

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