The Weekly Sundays Photo Challenge: Song Lyrics
Sunday, January 29, 2012
This is the first Sunday to start off the challenge between me and Michael Behlen. It's not necessarily a contest, but an exercise to improve our shooting skills. If anybody out there would like to try our challenge you may do so by contact me via email:
Here's the photo!

Touche Amore: Tilde
"I"m Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me"
Michael Behlen will have an image to provide for the challenge later on. Until then stay tuned! I might also include his picture here as well!

Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s: As Tall as Cliffs
I think it was a good idea how Michael Behlen composed this photograph. Knowing Mike he is very precise with his symmetry. If you look he doesn't place the horizon line right to the middle of the image. It helps the landscape become the focus before the sky. The color palette is warm and chilly and the detail is absolutely amazing. To be honest I think Mike won the challenge today!! hahahahahah.
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