Day 32 of 365: Back to the Old Routines

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Back to the Old Routines

Even though I have two days of school this semester I'm still taking four classes. One class on tuesday and today 3 from 12pm to 10pm. So, it's back to the same routines of massive consumption of tea or coffee, printing, reading, and shooting assignments that I don't really care much about. Though that this semester seems busy, the kind of work that's being given seems to walk up my alley. I have a Documentary class, a people illustration class, a printing class, and a concept class. All four of these classes require shooting at some point, but this semester seems different. I think it will allow me more freedom to shoot my way than the other semesters I've dealt with. We'll see how it goes. Oh by the way... I officially survived the first month of 365..... and posting a boring entry to show my success? I better do something good this week.

Back to the Old Routines

Back to the Old Routines

Back to the Old Routines

Back to the Old Routines

Back to the Old Routines