Day 51 of 365: New Camera and Some Errands
Monday, February 20, 2012

Sacrifices... seeings certain things go can be tough.
Today, I set out on a mission to pick up a great rangefinder for a good price. The camera was located in Oakland at a shop called iCamera (International Camera). While consulting to the associate about this camera I tried the best I could to get a good deal. I had to sell a couple of lenses, a camera, and paid about $70 to get the Canon 7. I don't have a lens for it yet, but I am looking through certain websites that carry a wide angle 35mm. It's looking like I'll spend a good amount for it.
After purchasing the Canon 7 I headed back to San Francisco where I found myself shooting some stuff during my trip to other camera stores. Had no luck finding a 35mm anywhere so the hunt for a lens online starts now! Hopefully the hunt doesn't take so long.

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