Weekly Sunday Photo Challenge: Backlighting
Sunday, March 4, 2012
It's that time again. As the challenges continue the assignment get harder and harder (at least for me). The theme today was "backlighting."

During my time hanging out with Sean yesterday I had realized the light was illuminating behind him. He also had a slight fill from the lamp he was using to look at my camera. I thought it came out pretty cool, but what do you guys think?

Alissa Rose
Flower shots have always been an "if" to me since the subject matter has been tainted for quite sometime. For some reason this shot has more of a classic feel for it being straight on. If you look closely this shot could be used exclusively for an album cover of a folk band. The colors are slightly muted, the texture from bottom to top are intriguing, and the composition is classic. It is very illustrative in its nature. Alissa.. the illustration paper with a ring flash behind the flowers was utter genius.

Michael Behlen
I know it's kinda late, but hey.... Mike's a busy guy! In portraits back lighting can be awesome on your subjects. In this case Mike did a great job balancing the backlight and the light on the front of the subject. Most photographs I've seen that try to use this technique tend to fail. They would usually let that highlight blow out for some reason. Oh well.. Mike.. you're images have two things that I love:
I think it came accross quite well, yet I don't truly love the blown out part of the window to the left, other than that I find it awesome. Even if you cropped to the working area of his hand and his face that would look sick :D
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