Day 109 of 365: Strangers Preview
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In process is a project I've been working on for the past few months called "Strangers." The concept is to take a picture of a stranger with a point-and-shoot film camera in a public place. My reason was to be able to meet new people without the use of social media networks (facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc...). Since observing individuals in these public places it seems as though much of our society is distracted towards these devices and not observing enough of the people and environment. They're caught up on knowing what's going on with other people than themselves. Sure that having this access may be a benefit to some individuals, but it's definitely affected the way how we communicate with each other. This will be a continuous project for years to come... for now... I am going to settle on a little more for my Concept Class.

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