Day 93 of 365: STREETS Zine Preview and Video
Monday, April 2, 2012

I thought I failed at the printing. Turns out I was able to get some of it done
This 3WaySplit Zine took awhile to create. Countless amounts of searching and testing helped inspire me to create such a piece (along with tea and hip hop jazz). It was inspired by the DIY aesthetics of Zines where it was straight to the point, but had loads of character. I wanted to keep it simple and clean so the images could have more attention. Probably one of my favorite works so far.
Between three photographers, runs in the city, and cups of coffee we created a body of work that inspired us not only from the surroundings that offered us these moments, but the relationship that we carried with one another. All shot with film each moment was captured with feeling and finesse. We ran through loads of rolls and in the end we got small, but great results. This Zine means a lot to me and hopefully it would be something that would mean a lot to you....

I also create a video regarding the Zine. Check it out!
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