The Weekly Sundays Photo Challenge: Isolation
Sunday, April 29, 2012

This weeks pick was "Isolation." This is in my realm of themes which I try to look for while walking around the street. Isolation can be a positive or negative thing. It's a moment where we can feel alone or a moment where we need space. I don't know if I had done the best job in this theme, but a moment had happened while shooting the fashion shoot today.

Adult Swim
I can recall the days when I was a kid that I used to swim at the Naval Air Station Swimming Pool. There would be a moment where they would have "Adult Swim" and all the kids would have to come out of the pool and let the "Adults" swim in. The majority of the time the pool looked exactly like this. Nostalgia... man.. those were the days.

Isolated Beach Bonfire
Alissa Rose
Again.. with nostalgia... Years ago I used to hang out with friends at the beaches, lighting up fires, kick it and have beers. There are moments where I would stare at the fire and just think about things... sort of feel isolated mentally, but not physically. Looking at this photograph reminds me of who I was years ago: Alone, simple, and content. Now... maybe two of the things still apply and is sure as hell not alone.

Michael Behlen
I was always a fan of Mike's polaroids. This theme is all him. He has a keen eye towards lines, texture, and form. Color's are usually a thing that intrigue me the most about his work. They capture a classic beauty one can't really create naturally. Though with the aesthetics down the content still serves well. You can't help but feel isolated in huge structures such as these. It gets lonely.
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