Day 127 of 365: Self Portrait of the Morning After
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Theo and I decided to do it up street style at the Mission District and Hayes Valley Area with flash. We ended up going to this party that Bladimir Munoz invited me to with his roommate Lily. Throughout the night I kicked it and took pictures, all in film. I somehow stayed too late and missed my train to Daly City. Theo was awesome to let me crash on his floor, but that floor really did a number on my body. When I woke up I gathered my things, took some pictures of the ambient lighting through the windows (sorry Theo.. I took a picture of you sleeping), and went to Sugar Cafe before the Daly City Bart Train came. When I arrived to Daly City I went on walking to the apartment. When I arrived at my humble abode I decided to take a picture of what I was feeling throughout all I went through from last night till this morning. I don't know how I did it when I was younger, but dealing with this again was exhausting.
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