Deanna Templeton
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Much like her husband Deanna is also a photographer who photographs much of the youth. I've been following her work for a little while and I'm a big fan. As of late her blogs have consisted of band photography and street photography. Sort of the style of photography that I'm very much into. Though that both her and her husband photograph similar subjects Deanna's way of shooting is much different. Sure that the subject matter may be similar, but I can tell that she's looking for something extra in her photos... sort of a poetic, yet, honest approach of what she envisions. About a few years ago she recently had an exhibition titled "Scratch My Name In Your Arm." A series about women who use their bodies as autograph books. Check out her BLOG which is updated at least every few weeks. Below are only samples of her work that I'm liking right now.

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