Day 190 of 365: Happy Birthday Dad
Sunday, July 8, 2012

I miss you Dad.. I wrote you a letter below..
Dear Dad,
It's been nine years since you've passed away. Today's your birthday and to celebrate it I thought about you. I thought about our father-son activities: shooting guns, fishing, playing music, or just listening to it. I thought about how little I knew of you. How little I knew of your past. I knew you came from humble beginnings which grew you to a hard working man. You did what you could to survive. You did what you could to feed our family. You did what you could to keep this family together. You did a good job...
Things have definitely changed. You have two Grandsons now. Their names are Ethan and Devin. They are beautiful children. They look like their father. Christopher is still in the military along with Bernard. He travels a lot and works a lot, but still finds time to let us know what's going on. He's currently in a relationship with a girl named Fe. She makes him happy and she may be the one he's been looking for. Eldon is still with Lara. They both are going to school in SFSU. Eldon is going through a nursing program while Lara, I believe is studying Psychology. Eldon is getting taller than me and I'm pretty damn jealous. Diana is getting married with a good man. His name is Gustavo. He's a good guy. He makes her happy and wants to be part of the Bueno family.
As for me... well.. I'm a photographer. I sort of gave up music to pursue a different art. I still apply the same musical skills through the pictures I take by finding a melody through each image. It's an art I feel I can make a career out of. Music never really made it there.. I know it sucks, but music has changed so much. I just didn't want to be involved with it anymore
I'm here in Connecticut with my girlfriend Donna. I wish you had the chance to meet her. She's an awesome woman who's strong, ambitious, and successful. She's the reason why I am who I am today.
I wish you were still here... it would've been awesome to see your face and show you what I've done. But you're gone and I can't do nothing about it. I miss you dad. I've cried all my tears and I can only remember what you've done for me and our family. Thank you for being you...
Love Your Son,
Arthur Pillagara Bueno
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