Photographers I've Been Following: Fashion Portraits
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
So lately I've been more fashion-ated by certain photographers I've been following as of late. It's been something I've gotten into ever since I've dove in the world of the Sartorialist and such. From there I've looked through many images on Lookbook, certain tumblr fashion pages, and walking around a street full of the uniquely dressed people. Today I present to you some photographers that represent such fashion in a way how I would compose it. These three photographers are definitely on radar so check it out!

Bladimir Carela-Munoz
Since attending the Academy of Art University I've known Blad for quite sometime and the progress from what he was before till now has been huge. His dedication for photographing in film has definitely given him the opportunity to look at photography in a different angle. The image above is a slight example of what's to come as he is developing much of his work to ready in the near future. I like how he's utilizing a lighting style I like: Slight touch of light on subject, let the shadow detail disappear.

Michael Johnson
He just recently opened up a tumblr account where he is able to finally showcase some of his work. Through my circle of friends he's know by photographing street portraits (fashion portraits for that matter) since looking at The Sartorialist. Since then this style of photography had allowed him to see certain unique characteristics of their clothing, looks, and attitude.

Francisco Marin
This man is the shit! He's been flushing out some beautiful work on my tumblr dashboard. I don't know how I stumbled onto his blog, but he definitely is catching my eye with his great work. Francisco Marin is based out of New York as he creates compelling portraits (in film too!) of women and life of NYC. His attention to detail along with his choices of location, models, and lighting have inspired me to look at portraits in such a way. Great work my friend!
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