Thursday, August 2, 2012
Lately photography has been somewhat difficult to comprehend as most of my blogs haven't been too thrilling. I've been falling off the wagon creatively and haven't been motivated to shoot. I remembered hearing this mans name, Daido Moriyama, for awhile , but I never gave the photographer a chance until now. I just finished watching the documentary "Near Equal Moryiama Daido" and I was blown away by the work he creates. The footage talks about his process, his thoughts on photography, analog, digital, personal, and his outlook in life. It's a very interesting story. His work has inspired me and I am so motivated to shoot again. Check out the video above and his photographs below!

Lately point and shoots are what I've been using to work on my blog. It's small, intimate and welcoming. I think my DSLR is going to be in the back burner for awhile, but I'll take it out when I feel like it. He shoots with a Ricoh P&S and is able to create beautiful images. You guys might want to think about that...
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