Day 232 of 365: Marathons: An iPhone Story
Sunday, August 19, 2012

I want to address this first before I get into the discussion with today's entry. I really need to start thinking harder when it comes to making sure I have ALL MY CAMERA EQUIPMENT! EVEN IF IT'S JUST A SIMPLE MEMORY CARD! This in which leads to what I will be talking about today.
I headed to Providence, RI this morning at 5 since I was commissioned by MarathonFoto to help cover the Rock-n-Roll Providence event. Since I forgot my memory card I decided to try and photograph the event with my iPhone. Now... many of you iPhone users use your phone as a main camera... and till this day I am still against it. I know. But I'm not a phone photographer. Sure it's cool to use instragram and such, but I don't see it. To be honest most individuals feel that this will be the future of photography. Though that there are times the iPhone will serve its purpose (photojournalism, news, the like) I will continue to uses rangefinders, dslrs, and point-and-shoots. My iPhone photography experience wasn't bad, but I just don't believe in it. I may like it someday, but for now... I'll use a real camera.

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