Call and Response: Beat Up (Arthur & Theo)
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Years ago I had gotten this photograph taken after we were attacked by a bunch of thugs at a skate park.
I remembered it like it was yesterday. We were skating at night, two of my colleagues and I, and decided to hit up the skate park down in Shaw Ave in Fresno, CA. It was late, deserted. No one was there. We had the park to ourselves. Maybe 15 minutes in a couple of thugs jumped the fence and started talking to us. Somehow an altercation came way and the four thugs immediately started to attack. I was one of the victims that had gotten the worst of it. They beat me the shit out of me with the skateboards we used. They ran off with a couple of our things (one of being my DSLR). We were able to get away and headed for cover in my truck. I had the colleague snap this photo and it was history from there. The more I think about it the more it gets me angry to know how helpless I felt throughout the altercation. After that whole incident it made me realize how cruel some individuals can be. I'm lucky and thankful to be alive because the situation could've gotten worse. This is probably the only time I would wish anyone dead because those individuals don't deserve to live.

Awhile back my buddy Theo had told me he gotten robbed by some asshole in Oakland. I'm not sure if this picture is a result of what had occurred, but it's unfortunate nonetheless when certain people's intent is to hurt someone else. I'm glad you're okay Theo. Really.. I am...
In conclusion to this post check your surroundings and be safe as much as you can. The world can a be a beautiful place, but it can also be shitty at the same time.
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