I'm Gonna Just Sleep Here Dad

Friday, June 28, 2013

MARCH_26__0005 as Smart Object-1

Glacier / Middletown, Ct Apt / February 2013

Probably one of the only times I get to witness my dog doing something like this. He loves the sun don't get me wrong, but he's usually in the walk in closet or bathroom sleeping.


There's No One Here

Monday, June 24, 2013

No One is Here
No One is Here

At Work - At Church / Middletown, Ct / June 2013

I usually don't shoot digital stuff anymore, but having my Canon G12 can be very handy when you are running low on film. I will be carrying this more often just in case. I know there will be days where using this camera will come in handy, but again... it would be of last resort.

These are some of the shots I took as a reminder of how I looked at the scene. They were interesting enough (to me) so I decided to post them.


Mirrored Portrait


Self Portrait at Express / New Britain, Ct / June 2013

I recently copped a new polaroid camera that has a focusing window (Polaroid Land Camera 103). It's too much work guessing the distance between the camera and the subject. Anyway, I was able to create this portrait the other day while working at my new job at Express in the Westfarms Mall.

In the process of this image I wanted to scan the polaroid negative to see if I had more latitude in adjusting the shadow detail. I should've placed the negative in a container so dust would not attach to it, but looking at it now it looks pretty cool.


Excuse Me Do I Know You

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Excuse Me Do I Know You?

SoHo Strip / New York, Ny / March 2013

Seriously, this roll that I scanned from shooting in New York brought out images I've been wanting to shoot. It was seriously the right day to do this kind of thing. I hope to go back and shoot this strip once I get settled with my new job. I really want to go back.


Quietly At Sundown

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Quietly At Sundown
Quietly At Sundown

Main St Shops / Middletown, Ct / May 2013

Here are some photos I've been taking lately. I don't know if it belongs anywhere, but it gives me an idea for future projects. They really are pictures that are about nothing... it's just interesting to me.


Comadre's Last Show

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I would have to say that this band has been one of my primary influences in hardcore. I think learning about them in such a time where punk rock was something so relevant in life had made me the person I am today. Unlike other bands this particular band created a legacy for hardcore in the years to come. Thanks guys for the wonderful years in punk rock... you made it great for me.


Resting Our Toes in the Front Row

Monday, June 17, 2013

Resting our toes in the front row
Resting our toes in the front row

Donna and I / Middletown, Ct / May 2013

It can be tough photographing my fiance. She doesn't like the attention of the camera. I don't even think she'll like this photograph that I'm posting up. But I want to let her know that certain details of her image/body are beautiful. She doesn't see this of course, but those are the things that I see... I love you sweetie.


Walkers: A Phone Director Exhibit

Friday, June 14, 2013


NoHo / New York City / March 2013

I've been gathering up new work lately and should be posting these images up, but been holding back to post until I felt the time was right. Well, since it's raining here Connecticut I thought it'd be appropriate to showcase what's been hiding in my computer. This was a run I did when I met up with Francisco Marin and Gus Powell. It was a cold and overcast day (a situation that I'm not very good at shooting), but I managed to keep a positive thought and got some good frames out of it.


Turkish Protests / The Lady in Red

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Photo by Osman Orsal

As of late many individuals in Turkey have been protesting against Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. I know that some of you have been well aware of the intensity this country is currently facing. But it's crazy to me that these individuals are fighting to keep a historical landmark from being transformed into a shopping mall. Of course this concept isn't necessarily the base of why the Turkish community protest against Recep, but the many years of oppression Turkey has been under could be the reason these brutal protests have been undergoing.

The picture above sets the tone of what the protests are like. It tells us so much about the protests that it makes you wonder how these issues haven't been resolved. Of course it's because the people want to protect what they hold dearly, but who wouldn't?

This is a crazy moment in history and I'm sure most the individuals in Turkey feel the same way. Keep safe you guys..... protect your loved ones... this is going to be a wild ride for you all.



Tuesday, June 4, 2013


May has certainly been a weird month. I'm not sure what had happened, but I knew that going back to California to attend a wedding was probably one of the best choices me and my fiance made. It was nice to see old friends again. It's been so long it seems like. I wish I could go back and live there, but I can't... and probably never will.


Bueno Power Blogzine Vol 1. Issue 2. / I Can Only Remember Everything in the Dark

Monday, June 3, 2013

2nd installment of the Bueno Power Blogzine is up everyone. Check it out and repost/reblog all day! Shoutout to Stanley Ipkuss and SicBoy for contributing a song for the zine.


You Were Never the Same

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Justin Riot / Hanford, Ca / 2008?

I remembered how this man showed me music that was popular when we were kids. Yes.. I was an avid fan of grunge/nu-metal and had listened to Korn, Limp Bizkut, and other terrible bands until I bloomed into an Emo Kid. But before all that this guy used to live across the street from my mom's house in Lemoore. We used to skate, play guitar, play emulation games, and smoke pot. He was different.

After awhile I had outgrown him as a friend and had left to live in Fresno to be closer to the music scene. I came back one day to either hang out with mom or just get a couple of things. He was there across the street hanging out smoking cigarettes. He saw me and proceeded to walk towards my mom's house. Now, I'm sure all of you know in some cases that when a person approaches you the energy can be read almost immediately. Well, I'm not sure how I felt about him, but he definitely seemed off for the most part.

This picture was taken years ago. I believe this was the day we went and hung out to just do nothing. It was one of those hangouts that didn't seem the same. Usually we would go out and just get some grub at a Jack-in-a-Box, but this was just plain weird. I needed to waste film for some odd reason, so, he was my subject for the day.

I can't find this negative anywhere and finding this picture made me think about him. When I visited Lemoore I saw that his house was now occupied by another family. Thinking about it now his mother told me he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. It sort of broke my heart when she told me. Hope things are okay Justin. I really missed skating with you.