Wednesday, March 30, 2016

So Why Keep Going? / Lowell, Ma / October 11, 2015

It took awhile to get used to not smoking. I quit cold turkey on New Years Day. I was so motivated to just keep that habit away from my life and up until now I try to keep as healthy as I can. Addiction can be from anything and this kind of thing can definitely damage you physically and mentally.



Monday, March 28, 2016

Chris / Hartford, Ct / October 9, 2015

I got a chance to sort of get to know this guy quite a bit. He's a videographer and slight photographer currently making some big steps in the industry. It's nice to see a man like himself that works so hard get some sort of break for once. Cheers friend... make that money..



Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Thing I'm Not Sure About / Hartford & Middltown, Ct / November 17 & 18, 2015

So, there was a time I wanted to do these diptych like compositions to see what works together and what doesn't work together. It's kinda fun doing these kinds of things and it was a project I wanted to do for the longest time. Sort of a good way to see your edits differently.



Monday, March 21, 2016

Seriously... Is There Something in My Teeth? / Somewhere, Ma / July 11, 2015

"Naw man.. you're fine... "



Friday, March 18, 2016

I'm not really sure what to believe, what I should be doing, where I should go, how to be, what I could do, answer this and that, and so forth. There have been a grouping of thoughts in my head lately as to what would be next for me. At this point I'm willing to try anything to help me get out of this stupid rut that I'm in. I've been dabbling on a couple of ideas as of late, but none have really kept me going other than that last post about music and photography being a project I've wanted to created.

New project | #mathrock #emo #jazzy

A video posted by @buenopower on

This is currently the progress I've been making with this. It's a bit tedious and I'm hoping the results will fare well when the collection of songs are all done. But at this time this is all I have going for me. I'm usually down to do different things and down to at least get away from projects like these when I need to be. I can't just stick to one thing all the time. It gets me all frustrated and emotional.... kinda like my job.

But I don't know how I feel about things right now. I mean.. I guess it's coming out pretty positive? I guess things are okay? I guess I'm doing what I could do for the time being? I don't fucking know. Certain things are getting harder to deal with. And the more I get older the more I get jaded. I shouldn't be negative about it, but I'm speaking on my feelings. Gawd... why the fuck am I here right now?

I'll tell you why... because I have nowhere to go.



Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Chansoria / Somewhere, Ma / July 11, 2015

I hope you're wedding was fun my friend



Monday, March 14, 2016

May the Drunk Be With You / Somwhere, Ma / July 11, 2015

Weddings are okay I guess....



Friday, March 11, 2016

I've been playing with the idea of combining a full length record with a book of photographs for quite some time. There was actually a book I created called "AN EVENING WITH THE NURSE" that was supposed to attach to a 3 or 4 song EP I was writing at the time.

Noodles and Doodles Flyer

Of course the body of work didn't really fall through as I hoped it would. It was sounding good for a bit, but I just decided to drop it. I guess I wasn't as satisfied with the full package.

A video posted by @buenopower on

But I'm starting to take that chance again. I've found a new arrangement of work lately and it's been giving me a piece of mind. I've slowed down on photographs and I've been making a substantial amount of songs.

What I plan on doing this year is to make a solo full length album. About 9 or 10 songs. The project is currently titled "LOST LOVES". And for this title it only seemed appropriate as to how I've been feeling for the last few months.

I can only hope that this body of work goes somewhere. I'm hoping that somewhere down the line that this album and this body of photographs somewhere surfaces to a place it belongs.



Wednesday, March 9, 2016

...For the Next Five Minutes / Lowell, Ma / July 11, 2015

I remember looking at this picture months ago sort of upset that I didn't take it using one of my film cameras. I don't know why, but I'm kinda glad that I didn't. Colors in digital can really work if taken right. I still haven't found that area of digital that I'm quite satisfied yet, but up until now I think that I'm okay with the results so far. I just need more practice.



Monday, March 7, 2016

It Would Be Wise To Stay Sober / Lowell, Ma / July 11, 2015

Walking around finding things that my feet pass by is fun to photograph. It was actually influenced by Gus Powell when he wanted to make a project about photographing still life's next to his feet called LOST AND FOUND. I might want to take this idea further. It's a fun project I could do on the side ya know?



Friday, March 4, 2016

It's been a bit of a struggle. My dog currently has this crazy cough that I have to monitor for a bit. I haven't had sleep in weeks and it's been kinda fucking with my psyche. My consumption of food has been a bit abnormal. My wife is annoyed at me for certain things I do. I'm not as intimate as I used to be. I'm still working this job. I'm not getting paid enough. I'm always tired.

And I'm mostly likely starting my day feeling like this again.



A video posted by @buenopower on

There has been this spurt of motivation to write music lately. Above is one of the examples of my writings since last year. In development of this I've thought about what I could do with it and who to talk to for other collaborations. It isn't easy to write music, but it helps to have some software that will allow you to outline what may be potential songs for the future.

And this is the program I've been using for quite a bit. This really helps just drawing a small outline to a big picture. I have a lot of control figuring out how long I want the song to be, the BPM & the movement of each part. It's tough on some days as I can get stuck on some parts and other days I could pretty much complete it.

What I hope to do this year is to actually combine my writing and photographs together to one tangible thing. Present it in a show or something. There are a lot of ideas floating around for me, but I gotta be careful at what I do.



Wednesday, March 2, 2016

That's How My Career Feels Like / Hartford, Ct / June 30, 2015

This was in the showing of WE WERE YOUNG AND STUPID last year and had the opportunity to displaying work at this thrift store in Hartford. It was pretty cool being able to exhibit with my friends that time and having a pretty decent turn out of people come and check it out. I could certainly do something there again if I had the time and will to do it, but I think after that show I felt disconnected with the place and wanted to further myself to other venues. Maybe I'll come back there someday, but for now I'll look elsewhere.