A Letter to My Friends I Haven't Spoken to for Nearly 10 Years Until August 21st, 2021
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
It was weird seeing all these folks for the first time in nearly 10 years. I haven't kept up with many of them (and even that much with Colby) and have been doing my own thing for a long time. Arriving at the event was a bit anxiety inducing. What was I gonna say? How do I look? Did I have any past beefs?
In fact every single one of them came to me with open arms. I was surprised what changed and what stayed the same. The friendship I made with them years ago sort of picked up where it left off. It was a bit overwhelming. Overwhelming because I don't really have any friends here in Connecticut. And to come back and see everyone that has helped me become the way I am today was realized the moment I stepped through that door with my girlfriend. It's been a long time. A long time not knowing what the fuck is going on.
This is the first time I've felt relieved about something I wasn't sure I was relieved about. Maybe the fact that everyone is doing alright. But at this point I just hope I can make more memories with these folks and keep in touch.

Dear Colby,
I'm sorry I haven't been there all these years. Maybe ongoing I'll call you / text you just see how things are even for just a bit. Thank you for inviting me to your wedding, home and life again. Thank you for having my girlfriend feel comfortable being part of the whole thing. I just wish I made more time for you back then. Never too late right?
Love you Colby,
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