Good Morning. We Are Gathered Here Today...
Wednesday, March 8, 2023

A bit ago this song was attached to a full length record I wanted to release with a singer. Of course there weren't any takers and for a while I felt a bit discouraged. I kept at it, though, trying to figure out who could be a possible candidate for this project. It wasn't until my girlfriend told me that LST LVS could just be an instrumental project that my approach to writing would free up massively.
"Good Morning. We Are Gathered Here Today..." was a culmination of loneliness, late nights and my mentality of missing what I had left in California. In the moment of grief my father happened to travel my mind and to ode him a tune I wrote this free form song dedicating that moment. I'm not sure why it took so long to release this song, but perhaps there was a reason I decided to keep it locked up.
I hope you enjoy this song. I've been working consistenly readying some records for release and the images that are attached to them. This will be an ongoing concept I'll be approaching for the years to come.
Thank you for listening. You've all been so kind. Below is the track. I will be uploading the song on all streaming platforms shortly
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