Social Media Platform Apartment Shopping

Monday, February 10, 2025

Already at the start of the year and things have been changing drastically. Tik Tok banned and unbanned in the span of days due to Trump (lol this dude was so against this platform), X (formerly known as twitter) users started to flee to Bluesky and Substack accounts are becoming popular as a blogging platform. Meanwhile I'm here in my little space with little to no traffic hahaha.

But you have to admit times are changing and especially with the social media space people are yearning for a platform that doesn't taint their feeds with political nonsense and trash can takes. It's almost as if you see a reboot of refreshed ideas until the platform becomes tainted again with political nonsense and trash can takes. I have you know I'm all for a platform that can help provide a safe and positive space, but the same stories seem to be written and read everytime there's some sort incentive that gains more wealth and control.

Bueno Power!! has been in operation close to 14 years and I can't imagine the fact that I was going to just lose this Blog in replacement of another one just because this space is no longer used to blog anymore. I have you know that this place is going nowhere until the platform "Blogger" decides it's going nuke all users. That'd be a sad day for sure, but for now lets keep it where it is and what it is. It's all that matters.

At the 3rd view its heart breaking seeing some of my favs having to just move on to other platforms. Its exhausting seeing the oppresion and prevention of what these viewers should see, but isn't because of coded themes in the algorhythm not allowing users to see some real shit. Sad all around, but the reality of it is that companies that provide these spaces have the right to control this stuff. Its unfortunate, but what can you do?

There have been a number of users who have their takes on TikTok and how it's helped them discover bands or had helped them thrive in the business they're currently working on. How "influencers" are not real careers and that having to depend on TikTok to generate revenue is the worst idea ever. The thing is this is how money and fame is now generated and the reality of it is that these platforms exist to help these folks promote and idea or a company that they can sell. Regardless this is the new and has been the new career for this generation

All in all I give props to those people who can advertise themselves in such a way that have found a niche or a collective of fans that buy their products and thoughts whenever they post. They're active 24/7 and makes them the most money. I'm unfortunately the worst at that lol, but why do I want to grind out something like this? These things are a pleasure and not a job and I'd hate to resent what I love just so I can make a buck. I realize that what I do isn't something that makes ends meet, but would hope that it could make a difference in someone's life

This year I have eliminated all assignments that are asked of me (this being I'm not taking pictures of sweet 16's and family gatherings). I've decided to go full "artist" mode this year and continue concentrating on the art of writing and the art of photographing. Being able to have the 9-5 job with having only an hour or so a day to write or photograph pictures is a practice that I've gotten used to. My aim is to collect and write as much work as I can before I turn 50. And during that time if there are opportunities to showcase work like photo galleries or performances I'm down to execute that.

So yeah.. that's pretty much it lol. You'll be seeing me here and there in the coming weeks. I'm still manifesting what to do this year so stay tuned.

- Art aRt arT ART